How to increase your online performance


How to increase your online performance 〰️

When you launch your website and Grow online - it’s important to understand your website’s performance. The best way to do this is to understand your key performance indicators and how they change over time, so you can strategically make data-based changes.

Tools that display website analytics help you avoid guesswork, set goals, and measure your success. Whether your success is to get more eyes on your work, more blog readers, or how your audience interacts with your page, analytics provide meaningful insights into your online presence to help you prioritize website updates.

Whether your site is well established or you just launched it yesterday, take time to understand how it’s currently performing with your analytics tools.

increase your website traffic
increase your website traffic - Inspiring Desig

View your website’s performance

Do you know how many visitors your website attracts monthly? And where do they come from? Does it increase based on email marketing, social media posts or other events? Analyzing your traffic will help you start to understand what drives people to your website.

Audience Engagement Metrics

These metrics can help you understand how your audience navigates through your website and content.

Time Spent

This is the average amount of time users spend on a single page before navigating to another part of your site. For example - when the average time on a specific page is higher than other pages, like a blog, it indicates that the content added to this page is more engaging than other pages on your website.

Exit rate

This is the percentage of views of a given page that didn’t result in any more page views on your website. So this measures the last page your visitor was on before exiting your website.

Some pages can have higher exit rates than others - For example, you may have written a blog post that intentionally directs readers to a resource or event page outside of your website — a high exit rate on that blog post’s URL would mean that the post is effectively doing what you hoped it would.

Bounce rate

This is the percentage of visitors who entered your site and left via the same page without visiting other areas of your website. If this is high - it means the landing page customers are visiting isn’t engaging ot effectively encouraging them to visit other areas of your site due to lack of appeal or information.

Key words - Increase your website traffic
Key words - Increase your website traffic

Search Keywords

Your website traffic and performance is directly influenced by how it ranks in search engine results. Therefore, to strategically use the right keywords - it’s important to understand your audiences search intentions. Example: People who find your website through search engines, like Google, might be interested in a specific product, service or topic you covered in your blog.

By knowing this, you can improve your site’s SEO by choosing relevant keywords and keywords that align with your key audience.

Site Search

If you have enabled search on your website, you can see what visitors are looking for. What a great way to learn what your audience is interested in and connect with them directly with what matters most to them.

For example, if you run a wellness blog and visitors regularly search for information about herbal remedies, you can put this front and centre on your blog homepage. Alternatively, you can create content focused on that topic if you haven't already, which can enhance your SEO strategy.

Site search can also help you learn which products people are searching for in your online store. This can inform everything from how you promote products on your homepage to whether you want to develop and sell a new product that aligns with what people are already looking for from your brand.

Increase your website traffic - Inspiring Design

Your goals and Website key performance indicators.

Do you want more traffic coming from Google? or to increase engagement on specific landing pages?

Make sure you set measurable goals and identify 3-5 key performance indicators. Then, make a plan to improve the metrics on these areas over time.

If you’re launching a new product every month in your online store, you might have a KPI to drive traffic to new product pages when they launch.

As you set your goals, keep in mind that metrics improve at different speeds. For example, when you update your website’s SEO, it will take a few months before you start to see your work reflected in your website traffic.

Think about your website as a living, breathing online presence. Adjust your strategy and test changes as you monitor your website’s performance.

For example, if you update the copy on a product page in your online store and notice an uptick in page views for that product over time, consider making global changes to your product pages to optimize the rest of your store for search engines.

Tracking your website performance over time will help you grow your reach and stay connected to your audience.

We know the language and art of SEO isn’t for everyone, but we also know how important it is to see you grow online to be successful. When your a small business owner, your knowledge and expertise is in your products and services - but if you’re interested to know more - we can help.
You can book a consultation with us so we can discuss ways you can increase your SEO, or if you prefer someone else to do it, we can offer this service too.

If this is your preference - click on the button below.

Original article published by Squarespace

Inspiring Design




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